The launch of Cigar Aficionado in 1992 was the result of a dream: to create the finest luxury lifestyle magazine for men who not only enjoy a good cigar, but know a thing or two about how to live well. The magazine would cover the world of cigars, but also address with equal passion the pursuits and interests of smart, savvy and discerning readers.
Cigar Aficionado is far more than a single-interest niche publication. Every issue immerses our readers in topical editorial features including celebrity profiles and interviews, political perspectives, great golf, hot cars, the wide world of sports, big stakes gaming, articles on the best places to travel, fine wines and spirits, the latest men’s fashion, the coolest watches, and trends in consumer electronics and gadgets, and of course the most respected cigar reviews and ratings trusted by 1.6 million readers.
Twenty four years later, our dream has become a reality. Cigar Aficionado stands alone as a private men’s club set within the pages of a luxury magazine. Each issue is read and enjoyed by more than 1,636,000 readers. (2015 GFK MRI Spring)
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