reader profile
Rate Base: 830,000
Readership: 3,199,000
Frequency: 16x
Median HHI: $97,833
Men: 64%• Women: 36%

FORTUNE is a global leader in business journalism with a domestic print and tablet circulation of over 845,000 and a global readership of nearly 5 million, which include major franchises such as the FORTUNE 500 and the FORTUNE 100 Best Companies to Work For. FORTUNE Live Media extends the brand’s mission into live events, hosting a wide range of annual conferences, including FORTUNE’s Most Powerful Women and the FORTUNE Global Forum. FORTUNE publishes English-language editions in Europe and Asia, and local-language editions in China, Greece, Turkey, South Korea, Indonesia and India., which draws more than 14.6 million readers a month, is the online home of

  • 2019 Editorial Calendar

    IssueAd CloseOn SaleFeature
    Feb/March01/10/2202/07/22World’s Most Admired Companies
    April/May03/14/2204/11/22100 Best Companies To Work For
    June/July05/09/2206/06/22Fortune 500
    Aug/Sept07/11/2208/08/22Fortune Global 500
    Oct/Nov09/12/2210/10/22Change the World /
    Most Powerful Women in Business
    Dec/Jan11/07/2212/05/22Investor's Guide / Businessperson of the Year /
    The Future 50
  • 2019 Rates

    Full Page$17,000$15,000
    Half Page$9,000$8,000
    Quarter Page$4,500$4,000
  • Ad Specs

    Full page6.875"x9"
    1/2 page6.875"x4.425"
    1/2 page vertical3.375"x9"
    1/4 page horizontal3.375"x4.425"

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